Our Online Income Tax Calculator provides an accurate and instant computation of your take-home salary and income tax under the latest new tax regime, updated with Budget 2025 tax slab changes.
This free tool offers a detailed breakdown of taxable income, deductions, surcharge, cess, and net salary. Whether you're calculating for FY 2025-26 or the previous FY 2024-25, plan your finances effectively with precise tax calculations.
Parameter | Amount (INR) |
Basic Salary | 0.00 |
PF Deduction | 0.00 |
NPS Deduction | 0.00 |
Standard Deduction | 75,000 |
Professional Tax | 2,500 |
Taxable Income | 0.00 |
Income Tax | 0.00 |
Marginal Relief | 0.00 |
Surchage | 0.00 |
Health & Education Cess (4%) | 0.00 |
Total Tax | 0.00 |
Total Take Home | 0.00 |
Month | Salary | Professional Tax | Income Tax | Provident Fund | NPS Contribution | Take Home |
Total | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Fixed Salary is the total fixed monthly income before any deductions. It excludes variable bonuses, gratuity, medical insurance, and other flexible benefits. It includes contributions towards PF, Employer PF, and Employer NPS. This is not the same as your CTC.
In India, basic salary is usually 40–50% of the total CTC or gross salary. It is the base pay and forms the foundation of the salary structure, with other components like allowances, bonuses, and retirement benefits added separately. Employers must ensure it meets legal minimum requirements.
PF deduction is the 12% contribution from both the employee and employer to the Employee Provident Fund (EPF). Voluntary contributions are allowed. PF contributions are tax-deductible under Section 80C, and the interest and maturity amount are tax-free if held until retirement.
For FY 2024-25, tax is calculated by subtracting standard deductions, professional tax, PF, and NPS deductions from the fixed salary to determine taxable income. The taxable income is taxed according to the applicable income tax slabs, with a rebate of ₹25,000 and a tax-free income threshold of ₹7,00,000. Surcharge, marginal relief, and a 4% cess are then applied to the total tax. The final take-home salary is calculated after all deductions, including tax.
For FY 2025-26, tax is computed by subtracting standard deductions, professional tax, PF, and NPS deductions from the fixed salary to determine taxable income. The taxable income is then taxed according to the applicable income tax slabs, with a rebate of ₹60,000 and a tax-free income threshold of ₹12,00,000. Surcharge, marginal relief, and a 4% cess are then applied to the total tax. The final take-home salary is calculated after all deductions, including tax.
Currently, this calculator is primarily designed for salaried individuals. For other income types, you may need to consult a tax professional.
No, this calculator is designed for new tax regime only.
Yes, the calculator reflects the tax slabs and rules as per the latest finance budget for the 2025-26 and 2024-25 financial years.